ROS Interface
Soar Kernel Status
ROS2 interface to get current Soar kernel status (run/ stop) via.
Trigger/// via
This does not catch the state of the Soar kernel correctly, once the kernel is started/ stopped via the Soar debugger!
- Parameters:
request_header – Unused.
request – Empty.
response – “Soar Kernel isRunning: true” if running, otherwise “Soarkernel isRunning: false”.
Run Soar Kernel
Stop Soar Kernel
Launch Soar Debugger
Enable external control to start the debugger and stop the run thread via.
Trigger/// via
The run thread is stopped automatically since the debugger is not responsive if the thread is running. Reason to be investigated.
The thread running the Soar kernel is not automatically restarted once the debugger was closed. Manually restart the thread via the provided SoarRunner::runSoarKernel() interface.
Launching the Soar debugger without the command requires stopping the kernel via SoarRunner::stopSoarKernel() related topic. Otherwise, the debugger will remain frozen/ unresponsive.
- Parameters:
request_header –
request –
response –